Friday, September 10, 2010

Aid Mubahrak Said! 10.09.10

Aid Mubahrak Said! Happy Aid to everyone (who has no idea what it is because I know who's reading my blog)!

The end of Ramadaan is here! I have a feeling a lot is going to change. Cafes will be open, restaurants will be open, my family will start to leave the house....perhaps. I'll update my blog more... :)

There are two celebrations of Aid. The small one today, and a big one two months from now where each family slaughters a goat. Aid was up in the air, therefore as were my weekend travel plans, because it could have been yesterday, today, or tomorrow. It all depends on the moon. Nobody seems to know what it is exactly about the moon, but it's announced on TV and online when Aid morning is.

We're just having breakfast with the family, now at 10:30am as opposed to breakfast at 7:00pm like during Ramadaan. Family visits each other, they eat together, and the day carries on fairly normally with a relaxed tone.

I'm currently watching the Moroccan version of Regis and Kelly while the fam bam cleans the house. I feel slightly exploitative.

I've been fortunate to have been invited to three other people's houses to break the fast during Ramadaan. Every night the same things are made, and my stomach loves all of them. It's a problem. Expect to have a baby whale return to the US. Last night I broke fast at my friends Kim and Maddy's house. They live close together and the families are tight friends, so they've begun spouting sentences like, "We're going home now," and, "Oh, do we have time to do that?" My friend Inaayat and I recently found out we live around the corner from each other in the Medina. Since then we've been trying to out couple Maddy and Kim.

Kim's little sister Heba (not Haliba, that means milk. That distinction also means that Kim and Maddy called her "Milk" for a week-and-a-half)kept sticking her fingers up her butt and smelling them because she thought it was funny when Maddy told her that it was gross. Heba then smeared her fingers on Maddy's backpack. Heba is 42.
...Only kidding! She's 4 or 5.

Picture uploading is slow, but it'll happen! One idea of where I live though is this: Black Hawk Down was filmed close to two blocks from here.

I'm going to run to go eat, but Happy Aid!


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